Johannesburg, South Africa

Father Coffee

Oct 2022

Agnes Mukamushinja Natural #1

Gicumbi, Rwanda

Process: Natural
Variety: Organic Red Bourbon
Growing Altitude: 1800masl
Tasting Notes: Blueberry, Grape, Matcha, Marshmallow

Sent to all subscribers

María Gómez

Tolima, Colombia

Process: Washed
Variety: Caturra
Growing Altitude: 1800-1900masl
Tasting Notes: Floral Tea, Passion Fruit, Almond, Apple

Sent to Brewer Box and Cafe Box subscribers

Chelbesa Danche Natural #1

Gedeb, Ethiopia

Process: Natural
Variety: Organic Wolisho & Kurume
Growing Altitude: 1950-2200masl
Tasting Notes: Mango, Melon, Blueberry, Nectarine

Sent only to Cafe Box subscribers

Luis Anibal Calderon

Huila, Colombia

Process: Anaerobic Washed
Variety: Gesha
Growing Altitude: 1500-1600masl
Tasting Notes: Chamomile, Almond, Stone Fruit, Cinnamon

Sent only to Cafe Box subscribers

10/2022 -  Johannesburg, South Africa logo

Journal — October 2022

Happy fall, everybody! As I write this, I just got word that our order from South Africa has cleared customs and is on it’s way to Yonder HQ. We’ll get it out as soon as we can, as I know you’re all very excited for this month’s coffee to arrive. But before we jump into talking about Father Coffee, I have some exciting Yonder news to share.

Construction is almost finished on our first brick and mortar location, and we’re hoping to be open by mid-November in Durham, NC. My friends (and longtime Yonder subscribers) John and Rosa Paradiso are opening The Daily Beer Bar in downtown Durham, and we’ll be serving coffee each morning as Yonder at the Daily.

If you’re in the area, reach out, because I’d love to invite our subscribers to join one of our friends and family pre-opening events, and if you’re ever in town, I’d love for you to come visit! We’ll always have coffee from some of my favorite roasters in the US as well as a fun rotation of international roasters. This feels like a lifetime in the making, and I’m really excited to share more soon. Now, back to Joburg.

Father Coffee is a fantastic company that has earned its place among the world’s best roasters over the past few years. Father opened in 2013 and has been at the forefront of South Africa’s coffee industry ever since. They consistently work with really delicious beans from great producers all over the world, and they blew us away when we first featured them in 2019. So now they’re back with several really beautiful coffees (and their first ever decaf, for our caffeine-free subscribers).

You’re all going to love Agnes Mukamushinja, a natural coffee from Rwanda. The last time Father featured a natural Rwandan coffee, Winston Thomas used it to win the 2020 South African Barista Championship. This lot from Agnes took first place at this year’s Taste of Rwanda competition. Crisp and smooth, Maria Gomez’s washed Tolima is bringing the clean florals, bright sweetness, and just the kind of delicate tea-like mouthfeel I’m looking for in a cold morning’s first cup of coffee. Chelbesa Danche is a fruit bomb that explodes in your mouth. And Luis Anibal Calderon’s Anaerobic Washed Gesha is a stunner: abundant florals are supported by crisp lime acidity, huge caramel sweetness, and elegant creaminess that dances across the palate.

Jabulela lawa makhofi! Enjoy these coffees!
